No doc and low doc loans have become a must-have for contractors, self-employed, and small business owners everywhere. Getting a mortgage is not easy at the best of times, when you have tricky employment status, that makes the process tougher. Your financial circumstances might have changed since your last tax returns or not completed to the standard a traditional lender would require. It’s a problem and may prevent you from getting a home loan. No and low documentation loans may prove the answer. So, how do these loans work?
What is a No or Low Doc Home Loan
A no documentation loan does not require proof of income. A low doc loan requires documentation to prove your income. No documentation home loans can be difficult to obtain at times because a specialist lender will be required. Low doc loans are useful for those who have paperwork to prove their income but won’t qualify for a standard loan. Typically, low doc and no documentation home loans tend to come with a higher rate of interest – however – this can be reduced depending on your circumstances.
Who Can Apply for a No or Low Documentation Loan?
These loans were designed for those who are self-employed, a contractor, or small business owners. A low doc home loan can be an important tool for you, especially when you aren’t eligible for a standard loan. You have the means to pay the loan but don’t have the supporting paperwork to back your claim. That is something you can get around with a low documentation loan. While you still have to show some paperwork with the application, it’s far less than with full doc loans. You can read more about Purchase a Property with a Low Doc Loan by visiting

Will You Be Guaranteed a Loan?
Low and no documentation loans can be useful for all sorts of reasons; however, there are no guarantees with these loans. For example, you earn very little and don’t have any personal savings to fall back on. You would not be an ideal candidate because you’re a bad risk. On the other hand, your credit rating is excellent. You have a year’s worth of personal banking statements and BAS, not to mention over savings to make up a 35% deposit. This would put you in good stead with most lenders and make getting low doc loans easier. Click here to read about Loans by private companies.
However, it is important to understand that loan approval comes down to your current circumstances. While you’re an ideal candidate for a low doc home loan, there are no guarantees your application will be accepted. It’s important to understand that so you don’t get your hopes too high. Of course, with the right supporting paperwork, a loan shouldn’t be out of your reach.
Speak to a Specialist
Low documentation home loans can be a popular choice for most, but they aren’t without risk. It’s important to speak to a professional to find the right lender and loan. You don’t want to rush this decision either, so it’s imperative to find the best lender. Low doc loans can be useful because they allow you to find a simple way to purchase a property.