A low doc home loan has become hugely popular within the last few years. It is partly down to convenience and versatility. For most, they turn to low documentation loans because they don’t qualify for a standard bank loan. Being turned down for a standard loan because of your work status can create a never-ending nightmare. Getting a mortgage and vehicle loan could be almost impossible and that’s why more look to low documentation loans. So, what are the differences between a low doc and full doc loan, and which is best?
It’s All Down to Documentation
Full doc and low doc loans are quite similar to one another, the main difference between them is the amount of paperwork required. For instance, when you apply for a bank loan, you must show proof of income (as you have the means to repay the loan). Unfortunately, you might not have sufficient proof because you’re self-employed. Low doc loans require far less documentation during the application stage.
GST registration, profit and loss statements, ABN, and business activity statements, along with your latest tax returns might be sufficient to obtain a low documentation loan. On the other hand, these items alone wouldn’t be enough to secure a standard loan or a full documentation loan.
A Good Credit Score Can Make a Huge Difference
Unlike a full documentation loan, a low doc home loan will have different rates of interest. For example, since you are applying for a low documentation loan, lenders will put you in the ‘high risk’ category. It is because of your current work status and the fact you don’t meet the criteria for traditional bank loans. While the interest rates tend to be higher with a low documentation loan, you could negotiate for better terms if you have good credit. A good credit score and history can make a world of difference when applying for a loan. Click here to read more about How Do Low Doc and No Doc Home Loans in Australia Work?

Are Low Doc Loans Worth Considering?
It can be incredibly difficult to obtain any loan and when you’re not eligible for a standard loan, you can worry about alternative solutions. A low documentation loan can be an option to consider because it is viable. A low doc home loan allows you to get finance for your dream home; of course, higher interest rates and a bigger deposit might be required. On the flip side, however, good credit puts you in a strong position. If you’re a good prospect to the lender, you are more likely to find a suitable loan.
Choose the Right Loan for You
You don’t want to borrow money, but it has become a necessity of modern life. Buying things outright is becoming tougher and just isn’t practical at times. Low documentation loans offer a good alternative for those who cannot get a traditional or standard bank loan. You have a flexible loan that can secure finance when it’s needed most. Plus, a good credit score can ensure your loan is more affordable. To find out more, check out www.lowdocloansco.com.au.